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results for search: Franklin (Ky.)

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Interview with Austin Bell, August 20, 1985

Project: Black People in Kentucky Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 1985oh193_bk006
Interviewer: George C. Wright
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with John J. Johnson, June 18, 2013

Project: Kentucky Civil Rights Hall of Fame Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2013oh288_kcrhf011
Interviewer: Nieta Wigginton
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with James Victor, January 5, 2018

Project: African American Community in Hopkinsville (KY) Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2018oh469_aahop004
Interviewer: Jennifer P. Brown
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Josh Mers, August 29, 2018

Project: Outsouth: LGBTQ+ Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2018oh531_lgbtq034
Interviewer: Adriana Sisko
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with F. Joseph "Joe" Halcomb, III, May 14, 2021

Project: Halcomb House Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2021oh0318_hal0001
Interviewer: Kopana Terry
Restrictions: No Restrictions

Interview with Marthena Burr, May 12, 2022

Project: Halcomb House Oral History Project
Interview Accession Number: 2022oh1462_hal0005
Interviewer: Kopana Terry
Restrictions: No Restrictions