Interview with Wiley A. Branton, March 17, 1964
Project: Who Speaks For The Negro? The Robert Penn Warren Civil Rights Oral History Project
Interview Summary
Wiley Branton was an American lawyer and civil rights activist. As a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), he pushed for the integration of the University of Arkansas and eventually attended law school there. He was the chief counsel in the case of Cooper v. Aaron in which he represented the Little Rock Nine who integrated Little Rock's public schools. In this interview Wiley Branton begins by discussing school integration and bussing. He describes the importance of quality public education and the relationship between segregation in education and housing discrimination. Branton explains the spontaneity behind some of the demonstrations in the South and discusses violence against civil rights workers in places such as Greenwood, Mississippi. He describes the results of demonstrations in Albany, Georgia and Birmingham, Alabama and describes the view of violence among civil rights workers and the precautions some civil rights workers take for protection such as carrying guns. Branton discusses Malcolm X's leadership and expresses the opinion that more people might join his movement if they felt that he could succeed. Branton also discusses historical issues and provides his personal views of the causes of the Civil War. He describes how American attitudes regarding racism and segregation have changed in a short time and refers to the discipline of Anthropology and recent desegregation legislature in Georgia. In addition, Branton provides his opinions of President Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, and Thomas Jefferson. Branton concludes the interview with an explanation of his view of the political affiliations of African Americans and their involvement with both the Democratic and Republican Parties.Interview Accession
Interviewee Name
Interviewer Name
Interview Date
Interview LC Subject
African Americans--Civil rights African Americans--Education Anthropology Branton, Wiley Austin, 1923-1988 Branton, Wiley Austin, 1923-1988 --Interviews Busing for school integration Civil rights demonstrations Civil rights movements Civil rights--Law and legislation Democratic Party (U.S.) Discrimination in housing Educational equalization--United States Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 --Views on race relations Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865--Views on slavery Race relations School integration--United States Segregation in education--United States Southern Christian Leadership Conference United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Causes Voter registration X, Malcolm, 1925-1965Interview Rights
All rights to the interviews, including but not restricted to legal title, copyrights and literary property rights, have been transferred to the University of Kentucky Libraries.Interview Usage
Interviews may be reproduced with permission from Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, Special Collections, University of Kentucky Libraries.Restriction
Interviews may be reproduced with permission from Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, Special Collections, University of Kentucky Libraries.
All rights to the interviews, including but not restricted to legal title, copyrights and literary property rights, have been transferred to the University of Kentucky Libraries.
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Branton, Wiley A. Interview by Robert Penn Warren. 17 Mar. 1964. Lexington, KY: Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries.
Branton, W.A. (1964, March 17). Interview by R. P. Warren. Who Speaks For The Negro? The Robert Penn Warren Civil Rights Oral History Project. Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries, Lexington.
Branton, Wiley A., interview by Robert Penn Warren. March 17, 1964, Who Speaks For The Negro? The Robert Penn Warren Civil Rights Oral History Project, Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries.
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