Interview with Lawrence Janicki, January 19, 2024

Project: Peace Corps: The Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Project

Interview Summary

Larry Janicki served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Dominican Republic (DR) from 1968-1971, as a Teacher Trainer in Science. Larry grew up in Aliquippa, a small steel town in western Pennsylvania. He participated in the first group of a unique 15-month program that combined undergraduate work and Peace Corps training, at the State University of New York (SUNY), College at Brockport. Originally, he was supposed to go onto Costa Rica, but the program fell through. The Dominican Republic picked up the program after the group of PCV trainees went there for training. After Larry finished college and training, he trained primary school teachers in Higüey, DR. After his first year, he moved to Bonao, DR, to train teachers there. Because of the Presidential election in 1970, the program faced challenges. He extended for a third year at ISA in Santiago, DR, to teach science laboratories in zoology, botany and chemistry. He was extremely excited, he extended and as a result he met one of his best friends. After his service he enrolled at the University of Florida and received both his Master’s and PhD. He worked on agricultural development projects with the UF in Bolivia, Malawi, and Ecuador. He has traveled back to the DR 5 times since 2015, participating in activities and visiting friends and colleagues. We discussed challenges, accomplishments, regrets, and lessons learned. Larry believes that his Peace Corps service had a huge positive impact on his life, and he believes that service in the Peace Corps is more important than ever before.

Interview Accession


Interviewee Name

Lawrence Janicki

Interviewer Name

Kristie Peterson

Interview Date


Interview Keyword

Peace Corps (U.S.) Dominican Republic (Country of Service) 1968-1971 (Dates of Service) Peace Corps Volunteer Job: Teacher Trainer Peace Corps (U.S.) – 1960-1970 John Kennedy – President PCRV Thailand Vietnam War Vietnam War draft US Military family Boy Scouts church commitment to service Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, PA Chemistry major ad for Peace Corps State University of New York (SUNY) in Brockport Peace Corps 15 month teacher training program in science and math with university classes Peace Corps application, reluctance parents Peace Corps (U.S.)- Recruitment and Intake Director Brockport Program Dr. John Crandell Costa Rica readjustment allowance and teacher training program Peace Corps (U.S.)- Staff Harvey Williams - Assistant Director of Peace Corps/ Teacher Training program pre-service training in Dominican Republic PCV stay pay Rochester, NY Latin American Family stays Migrant groups cross cultural experience/training Spanish (language) other PCV’s Facebook group uno page 50th Anniversary Peace Corps (U.S.)-Training Pittsburgh, Pa. Peace Corps Education Representatives Henry Reynolds, Kyra Eberle Hotel Colon Higüey, Dominican Republic Other PCV’s- Edna Rinset, Henry Lam, Wanda Wynne, Patricia Partridge Site power water communication telegraph letters rented room Pension workday teacher training centers teacher certification motorcycle Honda 50 horses leisure time Macao beach Jarabacoa Santo Domingo Christmas raising rabbits dancing soda Spanish language struggle vacation Haiti Puerto Rico Bonao, Dominican Republic Education Ministry Peace Corps extension Instituto Superior de Agricultura – ISA co-worker return to Dominican Republic USDA consultant-Bernard Feinberg food processing pilot plant Peace Corps Green sheet University of Florida, Gainesville assistantship Food Science and Human Nutrition Master’s degree Miami Gainesville return home shock Pittsburgh Difficulties diet accomplishments teaching chemistry reunion teachers and students plant tree lecture in Spanish laughing told stories Malawi, Africa gringo regrets handled things differently daughter Peace Corps Japan JET- Japanese Exchange and Teaching Program lessons learned peanut research lab Jimmy Carter food scientist Argentina peanut farmers University of Florida, Gainesville- PhD Agronomy Bolivia coca plants Malawi, Africa on- farm research Ecuador Agriculture beef cattle integrated pest management-IPM University of Florida dairy sheep production Utah State University food science University of Ambato Chief of Party project administrator aquaculture- Tilapia Auburn University, Alabama understanding of Americans 3rd goal activities Adjunct Professor at Montgomery College Rockville, Maryland computer science effects on self from service Peace Corps valuable State University of New York (SUNY) in Brockport acceptance of Peace Corps training program computers.

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Janicki, Lawrence Interview by Kristie Peterson. 19 Jan. 2024. Lexington, KY: Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries.

Janicki, L. (2024, January 19). Interview by K. Peterson. Peace Corps: The Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Project. Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries, Lexington.

Janicki, Lawrence, interview by Kristie Peterson. January 19, 2024, Peace Corps: The Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Oral History Project, Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries.

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